Checkbox checkbox


Make multiple selections from a set of alternatives.

Code Demo

Basic usage

Bind the checked state of the checkbox through v-model.

<z-checkbox v-model="checked">checkbox</z-checkbox>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const checked = ref(true)

Disabled state

Checkboxes can be disabled by setting the disabled attribute.

<z-checkbox v-model="checked" disabled>checkbox</z-checkbox>

Custom shapes

Set the shape property to square and the checkbox will become square.

<z-checkbox-group v-model="checked" shape="square">
   <z-checkbox name="a">checkbox a</z-checkbox>
   <z-checkbox name="b">checkbox b</z-checkbox>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const checked = ref(['a', 'b']);

Custom color

Set the icon color of the checked state through the checked-color property.

<z-checkbox v-model="checked" checked-color="#ee0a24">checkbox</z-checkbox>

Custom size

The size of the icon can be customized through the icon-size attribute.

<z-checkbox v-model="checked" icon-size="48rpx">checkbox</z-checkbox>

Custom icon

Customize the icon through the icon slot, and you can use slotProps to determine whether it is selected.

<z-checkbox v-model="checked">
   Custom icon
   <template #icon>
       :src="checked ? activeIcon : inactiveIcon"

   .img-icon {
     width: 40rpx;
     height: 40rpx;
import { ref } from 'vue';
const activeIcon =
const inactiveIcon =

Left text

Set the label-position property to 'left' to adjust the text position to the left side of the check box.

<z-checkbox v-model="checked" label-position="left">checkbox</z-checkbox>

Disable text click

After setting the label-disabled attribute, clicking on content other than the icon will not trigger the checkbox toggle.

<z-checkbox v-model="checked" label-disabled>checkbox</z-checkbox>

Checkbox group

Checkboxes can be used together with checkbox groups, which bind the checked state of the checkbox through the v-model array.

<z-checkbox-group v-model="checked">
   <z-checkbox name="a">checkbox a</z-checkbox>
   <z-checkbox name="b">checkbox b</z-checkbox>

Horizontal arrangement

After setting the direction property to horizontal, the checkbox group becomes horizontal.

<z-checkbox-group v-model="checked" direction="horizontal">
   <z-checkbox name="a">checkbox a</z-checkbox>
   <z-checkbox name="b">checkbox b</z-checkbox>

Limit the maximum number of options

The maximum number of options in a checkbox group can be limited through the max attribute.

<z-checkbox-group v-model="checked" :max="2">
   <z-checkbox name="a">checkbox a</z-checkbox>
   <z-checkbox name="b">checkbox b</z-checkbox>
   <z-checkbox name="c">checkbox c</z-checkbox>

Select all and inverse selection

Selecting all and inverting selection can be achieved through the toggleAll method on the CheckboxGroup instance.

<z-checkbox-group v-model="checked" ref="checkboxGroup">
   <z-checkbox name="a">checkbox a</z-checkbox>
   <z-checkbox name="b">checkbox b</z-checkbox>
   <z-checkbox name="c">checkbox c</z-checkbox>

<z-button type="primary" @click="checkAll">Select all</z-button>
<z-button type="primary" @click="toggleAll">Invert</z-button>
import { ref } from 'vue';

export default {
   setup() {
     const checked = ref([]);
     const checkboxGroup = ref(null);
     const checkAll = () => {
     const toggleAll = () => {

     return {

Used with cell component

When used with the cell component, you need to introduce the Cell and CellGroup components and trigger the switch through the toggle method on the Checkbox instance.

<z-checkbox-group v-model="checked">
   <z-cell-group inset>
       v-for="(item, index) in list"
       :title="`Checkbox ${item}`"
       <template #right-icon>
           :ref="el => checkboxRefs[index] = el"
import { ref } from 'vue';

export default {
   setup() {
     const checked = ref([]);
     const checkboxRefs = ref([]);
     const toggle = (index) => {
     return {
       list: ['a', 'b'],

Uncertain status

Use indeterminate to set whether the checkbox is in an indeterminate state.

   select all

<z-checkbox-group v-model="checkedResult" @change="checkedResultChange">
   <z-checkbox v-for="item in list" :key="item" :name="item">
     Checkbox {{ item }}
import { ref } from 'vue';

export default {
   setup() {
     const list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

     const isCheckAll = ref(false);
     const checkedResult = ref(['a', 'b', 'd']);
     const isIndeterminate = ref(true);

     const checkAllChange = (val: boolean) => {
       checkedResult.value = val ? list : []
       isIndeterminate.value = false

     const checkedResultChange = (value: string[]) => {
       const checkedCount = value.length
       isCheckAll.value = checkedCount === list.length
       isIndeterminate.value = checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount < list.length

     return {


Checkbox Props

ParametersDescriptionTypeDefault value
v-modelWhether it is selectedbooleanfalse
nameIdentifier, usually a unique string or numberany-
shapeShape, optional value is squarestringround
disabledWhether to disable the checkboxbooleanfalse
label-disabledWhether to disable checkbox text clicksbooleanfalse
label-positionText position, optional value is leftstringright
icon-sizeIcon size, default unit is pxnumber | string20px
checked-colorChecked status colorstring#1989fa
bind-groupWhether to bind to the checkbox groupbooleantrue
indeterminateWhether it is an indeterminate statebooleanfalse

CheckboxGroup Props

ParametersDescriptionTypeDefault value
v-modelIdentifiers for all selected itemsany-
disabledWhether to disable all checkboxesbooleanfalse
maxThe maximum number of options, 0 means unlimitednumber | string0
directionArrangement direction, optional value is horizontalstringvertical
icon-sizeIcon size for all checkboxes, default unit is pxnumber | string20px
checked-colorThe checked state color of all checkboxesstring#1989fa
shapeShape, optional value is squarestringround

Checkbox Events

Event nameDescriptionCallback parameters
changeEvent triggered when the binding value changeschecked: boolean
clickTriggered when the checkbox is clickedevent: MouseEvent

CheckboxGroup Events

Event nameDescriptionCallback parameters
changeEvent triggered when the binding value changesnames: any

Checkbox Slots

defaultcustom text{ checked: boolean, disabled: boolean }
iconcustom icon{ checked: boolean, disabled: boolean }

CheckboxGroup method

Through ref, you can get the CheckboxGroup instance and call the instance method.

Method nameDescriptionParametersReturn value
toggleAllToggle all check boxes, pass true to select, false to uncheck, pass no parameter to negateoptions?: boolean | object-

toggleAll method example

import { ref } from 'vue';

const checkboxGroupRef = ref();

// Invert all selections
//select all
// cancel all of them

// Invert all selections and skip disabled checkboxes
   skipDisabled: true,
// Select all and skip disabled checkboxes
   checked: true,
   skipDisabled: true,

Checkbox method

Through ref, you can get the Checkbox instance and call the instance method.

Method nameDescriptionParametersReturn value
toggleSwitch the selected state, pass true to select, false to deselect, and pass no parameter to negatechecked?: boolean-

Theme customization

Style variables

The component provides the following CSS variables, which can be used to customize styles. For usage, please refer to ConfigProvider component.
