Built-in styles


Zebra-ui includes some common styles by default, which can be used directly through className.

Text omitted

When the text content length exceeds the maximum width of the container, the excess text is automatically omitted.

<!-- Display at most one line -->
<view class="z-ellipsis">This is a paragraph of text. Ellipses will be displayed if it exceeds one line. This is a paragraph of text. Ellipses will be displayed if it exceeds one line</view>

<!-- Display up to two lines -->
<view class="text-top z-multi-ellipsis--l2">This is a paragraph of text. Ellipses will be displayed if it exceeds two lines. This is a paragraph of text, and ellipses will appear if it exceeds two lines. This is a paragraph of text. Ellipses will be displayed if it exceeds two lines</view>

<!-- Display up to three lines -->
<view class="z-multi-ellipsis--l3">

1px border

Add a 1px border (i.e. hairline) under the Retina screen to the element, implemented based on the pseudo-class transform.

<!-- Top border -->
<div class="z-hairline--top"></div>

<!-- Lower border -->
<div class="z-hairline--bottom"></div>

<!-- Left border -->
<div class="z-hairline--left"></div>

<!-- Right border -->
<div class="z-hairline--right"></div>

<!-- Upper and lower borders -->
<div class="z-hairline--top-bottom"></div>

<!-- full border -->
<div class="z-hairline--surround"></div>

Safe place

Add safe zone adaptation to elements.

<!-- Top safe area -->
<div class="z-safe-area-top"></div>

<!-- Bottom safety area -->
<div class="z-safe-area-bottom"></div>

Touch feedback

Add a touch feedback effect to the element. After touching, the transparency of the element will be reduced.

Usually used on clickable elements such as buttons.

<div class="z-haptics-feedback"></div>

Clear float

Clear the float of elements in float layout,

<div class="z-clearfix"></div>